Review: Eyewitness – Bird

Eyewitness – Bird A documentary highlighting the biology (flight, food, nesting…) and how birds have been perceived or integrated into various though mostly western cultures. The cinematography is stunning. Eyewitness is a natural history television series produced by BBC and DK Vision. The series is based on the Dorling Kindersley Eyewitness Books series of children’s … More Review: Eyewitness – Bird

Review: Bird Brains

Bird Brains: The Intelligence of Crows, Ravens, Magpies, and Jays Candace Savage Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: Greystone Books 1997 ISBN-10: 0871569566 ISBN-13: 978-0871569561 This is one of my favorite bird books. It’s a thin book at 144 pages but it is large in size almost 10″ by 10″ with lots of color photos showing off … More Review: Bird Brains